
Seeds of spice and medicinal plants
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Wormwood (absinthe) - Artemisia absinthium.
This perennial herb is the perfect blend of beauty and health! The most bitter of the most bitter plants.
A bush 0.5-1.5 m high with delicate silvery leaves and a strong aroma will delight you all season...
Anise burnet saxifrage (Aniseed) - Pimpinella anisum L.
Incomparable aroma and refreshing sweet-spicy taste. Vegetable, medicinal, ornamental, honey plant.
Medicinal annual herb with erect, branched stem, 20-50 cm high. The flowers are sm..
Aniseed - Pimpinella anisum.
Small white flowers are collected in an umbrella inflorescence.
Medicinal annual herbaceous plant from the Umbelliferae family with an upright branched stem, 20-50 cm high, covered with a short down. The leaves are..
Round-leaved mint (Applemint).
Officinal (medicinal) plant.
Natural flowering period: Juli-September.
Winter hardiness zones: Z5-Z8.
Height: 30 cm.
Pink-white, hairy foliage, culinary herb, tea herb.
Apple mint is an extremely unprete..
Baical skullcap "Oriental Blue" (helmet flower, scute) - Scutellaria baicalensis.
Medicinal perennial for rock garden from the labiaceae family Lamiaceae.
Natural flowering period: July - September.
Blooms in the year of sowing.
Bearberry - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi.
An evergreen perennial from the Eriaceae family.
Origin: North America, Northern Eurasia.
Plant height: 5 cm.
Flower colour: white-pink.
Natural flowering period: March - May.
Winter hardiness zones: Z2 &nda..
Bergamot "Mona Lisa" (Indianernessel, mountain mint) - Monarda citriodora.
Annual plant 80-100 cm high with a branched stem. The leaf is narrow-linear, green. On one stem, up to 5-7 inflorescences are formed, arranged in whorls. ..
Black caraway (Black cumin) - Nigella sativa.
Sedana, nigella, black cumin, Roman coriander. Annual herb, 30-50 cm high. In folk medicine, tea is prepared from nigella and is drunk as a diuretic, choleretic, anthelmintic, mild laxative and..
Black peppermint ''Kubanskaja-6'' - Mentha piperita.
Familiar taste and healing properties.
Perennial herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family up to 0,45 m high. Essential oil and spice plant.
One of the most aromatic var..
Black Salsify "Duplex" - Scorzonera hispanica.
A perennial, dietary vegetable. Grows well in sandy loam or light loam, humous soil. Can endure a winter if left in the soil.
The crop is harvested in late autumn or in early spring. Roo..
Black salsify "Libochovicky" - Scorzonera hispanica.
A perennial, dietary vegetable. Grows well in sandy loam or light loam, humous soil. Can endure a winter if left in the soil. The crop is harvested in late autumn or in early spring..
Bladder hibiscus "China Doctor" - Hibiscus trionum.
An annual herbaceous plant with a strong branched stem (up to 70 cm) and original trifoliate leaves from the Malvaceae family.
In the northern regions, it is grown through seedlings (sow..
Blessed milkthistle - Silybum marianum.
This thorny plant grows up to 2 meters in height, and the flowering heads at the top are bright purple.
This plant is native to Western and Central Europe; it also decorates the fields of America and Asi..
St. Maria's Thistle "White" - Silybum marianum var. albiflorum.
Improves liver function!
Medicinal annual from the Asteraceae family.
Homeland: Mediterranean (wastelands, rocky places, roadsides).
Special characteristics: ..
Spotted Thistle - Cnicus benedictus.
Organic seeds.
Contains 1 species - Cnicus benedictus, also called cardobenedict.
Grows in dry places, wastelands, along roadsides and in crops. It is found in the Mediterranean and Western Asia, in the Ca..
Common borage - Borago officinalis L.
Annual, herbaceous, cold-resistant plant with a pleasant scent of fresh cucumber.
Young shoots, leaves and flowers contain a large amount of vitamins and other nutrients.
They are used fresh as early..
Beebread (Burrage) "Brutnak".
Delicate and juicy greens for salads with a pleasant smell of fresh cucumber!
An annual, herbaceous and cold-resistant plant, combining vegetable and decorative qualities: the period from germination to harve..
Beebread (Burrage, Borage, Star-flower) - Borago officinalis L.
Delicate and juicy greens for salads with a pleasant smell of fresh cucumber!
An annual, herbaceous and cold-resistant plant, combining vegetable and decorative qualities: the per..
Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) is rich in iron salts, phosphorus, calcium, vitamins B1 and B2, malic and citric acids, has a high taste and dietetic qualities.
200 g = 30 m2.
Buckwheat - the most important cereal crop. Buckwheat, due to the prese..
Vegetable burdock "Samurai" - Arctium lappa.
For the treatment of kidney diseases, gall bladder and joint diseases. Very useful for diabetics.
Asteraceae family. Biennial herbaceous plant with a branched tap root. In the first year o..
Borage "Snow White".
An interesting variety of borage with white flowers. Borage is an excellent ingredient in vitamin salads. This is an annual crop with a cucumber taste and an appetizing fresh aroma. The plant is used not only in cookin..
Common marigold (mix).
The bush is up to 60 cm high. The inflorescences are large, 7-9 cm in diameter. The color is bright orange, yellowish cream, light yellow. Blooms profusely from July to September.
The plant is cold-resista..
Mayweed, Wild Chamomile, Sweet False - Matricaria recutita = Chamomilla officinalis.
Pharmacy chamomile - Matricaria recutita, Chamomilla officinalis.
An unpretentious annual plant about 40 cm high. The variety is recommended fo..
Sweet herb of paraguay (Candyleaf) - Stevia rebaudiana.
300 times sweeter than sugar! Delicious medicine!
Height 60-80 cm Perennial subtropical plant, grown in the middle lane as an annual. Stevia leaves contain a glycoside - stevioside, which..
Caraway - Carum carvi.
A biennial herbaceous plant of the Umbelliferae family, 60-80 cm high. Cold-resistant and medicinal.
Undemanding to heat and soil quality, but develops better in chernozem, sandy loam and light loamy areas.
Seeds are so..